Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mexico, a Mattress and More...

I know, I know--it's been so long since I've written and I'd like to apologize to my two subscribers--you know who you are ;-) As my friend Tim says, "All writers are procrastinators..." and in that case, I am definitely a writer. Although, sometimes I worry because I don't have the need to write every day. Sometimes I really want to hop on here and write about my day or something funny that has happened but then I think, I'll do it tomorrow. And here it is tomorrow and about a month and a half since I last signed into my blog that I was so excited about writing. Well, at least I do come by my procrastinating nature quite naturally. My father is one of the greatest if not the greatest man I know (I'll admit--I'm slightly biased here) and he still has yet to finish putting the siding on our house (that we moved into when I was 8--I'm now 28--you do the math :-). My childhood home--ahhh--that story will have to be saved for another post all its own--promise.

The thing is, I think I've been putting off my stories because I think they need to be these grand adventures that I spend at least an hour writing, etc... However, from now on, even if it's just a paragraph, I vow to post at least once a week. Hold me to that please :-)

Ok, back to what I've been doing besides writing. Well, I've been busy with work but who wants to talk about that so I'll cut to the fun stuff. In the last month I:

- went to Mexico for a friends wedding and had so much fun!

- bought a new mattress that I love. Is it possible that a single mattress can make you feel like a princess? The answer, yes, yes it is...

- bought a new car that I love even more :-)
I'd been with my '96 Toyota Camry for about 10 years and it was just time.

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