Since I first began writing my quarter-life essay, in October 2006, I have made some big life changes. In the past year, I... * Bought my first home. A little 1/1 condo-perfect for me. I love it and learned so much from the experience! If you're a first-time home buyer, be sure to check out what your city and state has to offer you in forms of assistance--you might be surprised--I know I was...
(Thank you Brett & Nicole for the push!)
* Became a "big sister" for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Something I'd always thought of doing but just never took the time or told myself I'd do it the next year. Well, I'm so glad I finally got off my butt and decided to put in my application. My "little sister" is amazing and we have so much fun together! I hope she is getting as much out of our relationship as I am. If you've ever thought of mentoring in this way--make the time and do it!
* Got a new job. I'm still in the same line of work but with more opportunities for networking and future growth. I just finished my first month and am still getting my feet wet but I think I made a good move. Although, I have to say, it wasn't easy. I certainly underestimated the difficulty of transitioning from a program which I had worked with for almost 10 years into a new office and a new set of everything! I also came in as a director, which is an interesting starting point when coming into something unknown but I'm getting it :-)
For interviewing tips I enjoyed reading: (Thank you Dalia :-)
* Started this blog :-) I inherited my father's gift of gab and love of story-telling. He and my mother, both teachers, have always taught me the best lessons through their life examples and silly stories. Now... I may not have always listened or understood their advice at the time. However, after I hit age 25, they suddenly started making a lot more sense---so did investing for retirement--actually, that was just in the past year ;-)
Likewise, I think sometimes God sets us on a path and we don't even realize it until years later. In the beginning, it seemed like I happened into my current career, which is based around experiential mentoring and teaching. Although, I've since learned that helping students or anyone laugh, live and learn from my experiences, both the successes and many mistakes, is my passion and maybe I didn't happen into it after all.
Side note: The laughs are really what I live for though. I can remember once, when I was about 4, sticking my foot in a bowl of pumpkin seeds just to make my friend Jessica laugh :-) still have that photo somewhere... My dream job would be part-time lounge singer/SNL cast member :-)
Now, as with anything, I have a lot of stories to go along with the aforementioned changes, but I'll save those for future posts... In the meantime, I'm setting new goals for myself and my life because I realized that I was just getting too comfortable almost to the point of complacency, which is never good.
Who knows what will happen in the next year... ;-)
"The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where the stand in times of challenge and controversy."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
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